Fitzroy Foot and Ankle Clinic

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My gym is closed and all I have is the footpath. But I’m not a runner….

Let’s face it, 2020 is not what we planned. Everything seems to have been flipped on its head, even our exercise routines. Many of us turn to exercise and physical activity to manage stress, however we may not have access to our trusty spin class, weights session, or local swimming pool.

Enter the footpath.

What was once a useful piece of public space is now crowded with joggers, prams, bikes, dogs, and neighbours you've never seen before who now politely smile at you.

This useful piece of public space is now a means to keep fit, stay active, and move our bodies during this time of physical distancing and self-isolation.

But if you’ve never run before, and you’re starting to realise this might be one of your only options for exercise out of the home, you might be feeling apprehensive. As a podiatrist and long distance runner, I say embrace it! Although before you don that active-wear, consider these helpful tips.


You don’t need much gear, but the right shoes for your foot type and biomechanics will help. A visit to our friends at The Running Company Clifton Hill will get this sorted. A teleheatlh consultation with our great podiatrists to discuss your current shoes, are both great first steps.

How do I start?

We crawl before we walk, and we walk before we run. Once you’re walking comfortably for 45-60 minutes a few times each week, your joints and tendons will be ready to handle the stress of running. Head out for 20 mins and within that time, alternate between walking and running. Keep the run interval to about 2-3 minutes, and walk in between to catch your breath and “re-set” before going again.

How to recover

Stick to 3 or 4 days per week in the beginning and ensure a rest day in between your running days. Remember the 10% rule: never increase your volume or mileage by more than 10% of what you did the previous week. For example, if you run 20 km in one week, don’t run more than 22 km the following week. A short stretch of your calves, glutes, quads and hamstrings post-run is also a great habit to get into.

Happy running . . watch out for that pram!